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Ministry in the Age of Pandemic (MAP)

One-Day Course; 7 contact hours

What do you know about pandemics? Your experience during these past few
months has probably taught you a lot about pandemic. You know that it’s a real
threat. You know that it spreads easily. You know that it disrupts life as you know it. And you know that we have many unanswered questions about “what’s next?” Chaplains, ministers, and peer support personnel have been essential partners in providing caring ministry during this pandemic. Although there was little awareness and almost no preparation, we have managed to save lives, limit some spread, and learn many new things about what we “should have known.” Today, caring interventions must include effective implementation of compassionate interventions that minister to the physical, emotional, and spiritual issues of people in need. We must consider anew, what are the threats? What are the needs? What are the spiritual issues? Care providers must begin the intentional preparation that puts them on the forefront of spiritual care ministry during the aftermath of pandemic. No one person or one agency will be able to meet the needs of the thousands—the millions—that may be emotionally and spiritually affected by

What you will learn:

  • A brief review of pandemic terminology, history, causes, prevention and
  • Lessons learned regarding communication, leadership, education, institutional preparedness
  • Emotional & spiritual dimensions of pandemic
  • Ethical issues around pandemic
  • Where do we go from here?